4. University Projects (2nd/3rd Year)


Traxx was a game I was involved in during the final year of my Computer Games Art course, I worked alongside a brilliant group of people and I was responsible for creating 2 car assets which were to be driven by the player as well as multiple environment assets. The art style was a semi-realistic look with a toon-line effect, here are renders taken from Unity showing my cars and miscellaneous environment assets.


(Car Screenshots in Unity)


(Car Mesh Wireframes and Information)


(Miscellaneous Environment Assets)

The Journeyman Project

The following video shows some of the assets that I created as part of The Journeyman Project (a module within my Games Art course), it involved students working in various teams to create multiple games. I was part of the Dynamic Assets team which meant I was partly responsible for creating assets which would be animatable within UDK, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and seeing my assets being used in such beautiful looking games was very rewarding.

This video shows the Prototype Weapon, the Mech Sword and 2 worker characters which I helped create for use within the UDK game engine.

[vimeo 73248139]